Programs by Academic/Professional Level:
Programs by Area of Interest or College:

Undergraduate Student Programs

Programs designed to connect undergraduate students with graduate students and professionals.


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Mentees mingling at HGWISE Mentoring Awards 2018. Photo by Elena Lourtaeva.

Diversity in STEM Programs

Student, staff, and faculty mentorship programs that promote the professional development of underrepresented communities in STEM fields.


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Graduate Student Programs

Programs designed to help participants share experiences around graduate studies as well as offer support and guidance. 

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Mentees mingling at HGWISE Mentoring Awards 2018. Photo by Elena Lourtaeva.

Longwood Medical Area
Mentoring Programs

Students, staff, and faculty from the Harvard Longwood Campus are encouraged to participate in mentoring programs to develop their professional skills.

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Faculty + Staff Programs

Faculty and Staff are invited to participate in programs, exploring personal growth and development, as well as opportunities to mentor current students. 

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Mentees mingling at HGWISE Mentoring Awards 2018. Photo by Elena Lourtaeva.

Interested in starting your own program? 

Follow the link below to explore opportunities to bring your program to life: 

Contact Us Here 

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.
 - Oprah Winfrey

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