Not sure mentoring is right for you? Check out these resources:

Eligibility Criteria: 

Mentees Mentors 
Identify as a marginalized gender All genders
Grade 58 or below Any grade level 
One year in a current Harvard IT role (full time/permanent) At least two years in an IT-related role (full time/permanent)

The program will start in Fall 2022 and conclude in Spring 2023. Applicants should be able to participate in the full duration of the program with the following time commitments:

  • 6 monthly 2-hour events 

  • An optional ½ day skill development workshop

The program will start in Fall 2022 and conclude in Spring 2023. Applicants should be able to participate in the full duration of the program with the following time commitments:

  • 6 monthly 2-hour events 

  • An optional ½ day skill development workshop

Additional Information

  • Submitted applications do not guarantee participation
  • Applicants must apply to be either a mentor or mentee, not both
  • Meetings between mentees/mentors are expected to take place during working hours
  • Deadline to apply: October 14th
  • Applicants will be notified if they are selected to participate by October 28th

Find out more    Join now 

Mentees Should:

  • Be interested in developing their professional skills
  • Be motivated to seek guidance in achieving their professional goals
  • Are invested in developing connections outside of their team
  • Can reasonably commit time to participate in the program
  • Have support from their manager
  • Have a growth mindset
Email us at with any questions.